And in the Beginning…

Can I tell you a story? I’m sure it’s one you’ve heard before.
See I was the girl who thought she was broken, but not anymore.

Let’s get this straight- I am a young white woman who hasn’t had all the struggles the world can throw at her. I was born into a middle-class family and I still sometimes rely on my parents when times get tough. But here is one of the first lesson I have learned on my journey; you can not compare oppressions. If people were to sit and compare oppressions, we would never break free from them. We would always be trying to prove that our life circumstances are worse than others and never break through our glass ceilings. So when I, or anyone you come across in life, speak of certain struggles, listen with an open heart.

Let’s get another thing straight- I am going to talk about Jesus. No, I will not be preaching to you and telling you to get saved; that is certainly not my style or agenda. I am a nondenominational Christian who loves Jesus (that is a juicy topic we will get into later.) I will tell you, however, what Jesus has done for me in my life and the personal relationship I hold with Him. And hey, if you have one too, that’s awesome! If you do not, I won’t judge you. I just hope you will listen with an open heart.

One more thing- I am going to be controversial. I will give you my honest opinion of tough topics. I will be raw with my emotions and feelings. I will respect each and every person and their beliefs and values. Sometimes, I wont even be sure of my opinion quite yet. If your opinion is different, I will listen to yours with an open heart as I wish you do with mine.

Last one, promise! I will not be talking about just me. How boring would that get?! While I will intertwine posts with my life and draw from my experiences, what I really hope is that this will get you thinking and hopefully apply some of my blogs to your life!